Oil Painting Woman Face
Oil Painting Woman Face
Product Details
Product Details
Size: 36x36in (90x90cm)
Type: Original Oil Painting
Material: Canvas
Oil Painting Woman Face-Green Background Retro Figure Real Canvas Painting Decorative Painting
Special artistic style and deep emotional expression. The woman in the picture is dressed in traditional dress, wearing an elaborate headdress, and holding a pen to describe the object in her hand. Her eyes were deep and focused, as if she were meditating or remembering something. The whole painting is based on a deep green background, creating a quiet, mysterious atmosphere. This color combination and composition make the painting more visual impact and artistic appeal. At the same time, the painter shows the woman's inner world and personality characteristics through fine brushstrokes and rich details. On the whole, this painting not only has high artistic value, but also can arouse the viewer's thinking and resonance.
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Framed paintings are shipped using UPS or DHL Express,while rolled canvas paintings are shipped via FedEx and UPS Express.Express shipping is free for all paintings.The prices already include shipping,framing,custom built wooden crates,import dutids and salds tax.
Merchandising tips
Merchandising tips
After your painting is created,we'll send you photos and videos of it.You will be able to see your paninting before it is shipped.
We enthusiastically invite our esteemed art collectors to play an active role in the artistic process.We wholeheartedly encourage you to express your preferences by customizing the colors lf your chosen artwork. Your input is valued,and we offer the flexibility for unlimited alterations at no extra cost before the artwork is shipped to you.